The Rev. William Booker Rites of Passage Youth Ministry

Transitional Pastor William Land D. MIN


Disciples of Christ 3507 East 12 Street, Austin Texas 78721





The Rites of Passage Model blossomed as a prevention strategy during the 1980's. During this period a number of adults, churches and grassroots organizations began to formalize their efforts to systematically assist children in their transition from childhood to adulthood. The minimal standards in the model designed for older children by Ronald F. Johnson are as follows:


1. The Personal Rite of Passage addresses the areas of self esteem, building and maintaining connections with positive adult role models, creating visions for self, family and community.

2. The Spiritual Rite of Passage addresses the areas of developing a relationship with the Greater Spirit, the development of pro-social goals, morals, values, courage and unconditional love.

3. The Mental Rite of Passage focuses on the importance of the acquisition of knowledge, school attendance, studying, test taking, and the development of left and right brain thinking skills.

4. The Physical Rite of Passage addresses understanding the importance of sexual responsibility, diet, nutrition, exercise, and avoidance of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

5. The Cultural Rite of Passage addresses the areas of awareness of each cultural/ethnic group, and the maintenance of rituals, ceremonies, custom and traditions which carry the values of each particular culture from one generation to the next.

6. The Historical Rite of Passage addresses the contributions that various ethnic groups have made to world history, maintaining relationships with the elderly and making plans for the further development of each ethnic community.

7. The Emotional Rite of Passage addresses the development of empathy anger management, impulse control, feeling vocabulary and stress management.

8. The Social Rite of Passage addresses the development of leadership skills, organizing for specific social problems, assisting less fortunate members of the community and defining and utilizing community resources.

9. The Political Rite of Passage facilitates an understanding of the Importance of participation in the political process, how the politically stem operates, and knowledge of current elected officials and their stance on key issues which directly affect the community.

10. The Economic Rite of Passage emphasizes the establishment of a sound economic base. The specific areas that are addressed are managing money, obtaining a job, career development and recycling dollars.




Endemic within our communities are Children and Young people exhibiting symptoms of our societal ills. Our young people have been let down by the generation preceding them. They are a-drift in a morass of cultural blight, absentee parenting, mis­placed values, non-supportive communities, etc...

As adults, we have become reactive in our approach. The term "band-aid" solution does not quite describe the situation. A "tourniquet" solution would more aptly describe the strange-fating conditions of our communities in which our young people maneuver each day. Common concerns of our youth include teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, gang involvement, completion of high school. The underlying causes usually can be traced to unmet needs.

Our Children and Young people, just as everyone, have a need to belong and to be loved. In their search to meet1 these needs they turn to substances to numb them, sex to soothe them, and/or gangs to accept them. These escape routes are too often traps which cause our young people to remain locked in non-productive patterns.

Social service agencies, schools, correctional facilities, and even parents have tried just about everything to find a solution, but these efforts have all failed.

  • Rite of Passage offers a holistic approach to the diverse problems facing our youth.
  • Rite of Passage addresses the needs of the whole Person from a proactive perspective.
  • Rites of passage, properly facilitated, becomes away Of life and will not allow itself to be classified as "Just another program".




Develop a Cultural centric. Rites of Passage programs that will provide a committed to self- determination of children's and Youth's life and culture. Rites of Passage will engage in, encourage and support activities in order to accomplish the following process:

1: Develop training for all person's in leadership in the day to day operation of the development of the, Rites of Passage program, to be Culture centric to all People's Culture and way of life.

2: To establish Rites of Passage program for each Culture represented in the Bethany Church community family.

3: Create peer group interaction to achieve leadership in evey age group and grade.

4: Create an understanding, and appreciate of all cultures and individual human right.

5: Develop a system of Core Beliefs": with the thoughtful!

A: Our Children and Youth have strength, assets, skills, talents and abilities that should be identified, celebrated, and cultivated.

B: Our Children and Youth are a fundamental part of the community's presents and future and the future is now!

C: Our Children and Youth require a frame of reference for their development that is culturally and multicultural based and is compatible with our true history.

D: Our Children and Youth require information and experiences that are both relevant and immediately applicable to their live (home, school, community).

E: It is the responsibility of all adults and institution in the community, public and private to provide for, advocate for, safe space, protection, support, nurture, and teach and education, and the raising of our Children and Youth. We as adults much model and exemplify appropriate behaviors to children and Youth at all times.





The Rites of Passage Model, blossom as a prevention strategy during the 1980's. During this period a number of grassroots organizations and church began to formalize their efforts to systematically assist children in their transition from childhood to adulthood. The collective purpose of Rites of Passage was to restore the culture of African American Children and Youth by developing African-centered male rites of passage as a method of increasing spiritual commonality, with other and enhancing the development of our children and communities.

The method was to show positive male models and encourage emotional and spiritual development; emphasize academics because technology, become more complex. The similarities between developments of boys in all cultures are that boys are encouraged to be aggressive and develop the body. Over the years it was reanalyzed that the Rite of Passage movement must not be just about boys, but also girl, not just about race, but also culture, not just about the individual, but family and community.

That Rite of Passage must Increase Self Esteem, Cultural Awareness, Discipline and Responsibility, Respect, Commitment, Courage, Guides Direction, Develops Goals, Encourages unity, Value System, Re-establishes Morals, Learn About


Culture and HeritageTeaches Self Empowerment, [ROAD] =Responsibility-Order-Authority Discipline, and Stand for Unity .Peace and Love


1. The Personal Rite of Passage addresses the areas of self esteem, building and maintaining connections with positive adult role models, creating visions for self, family and community.

2. The Spiritual Rite of Passage addresses the areas of developing a relationship with the Greater Spirit, the development of pro-social goals morals, values, courage and unconditional love.

3.The Mental Rite of Passage focuses on the importance of the acquisition of knowledge, school attendance, studying, test taking, and the development of left and right brain thinking skills.

4.The Physical Rite of Passage addresses understanding the importance of sexual responsibility, diet, nutrition, exercise and avoidance of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

5.The Cultural Rite of Passage addresses the areas of awareness of each cultural/ethnic group, and the maintenance of rituals, ceremonies, custom and traditions which carry the values of each particular culture from one generation to the next.

6.The Historical Rite of Passage addresses the contributions that various ethnic groups have made to world history, maintain relationships with the elderly and making plans for the further development of each ethnic community.

7.The Emotional Rite of Passage addresses the development of empathy, anger management, impulse control, feeling vocabulary and stress management.

8.The Social Rite of Passage addresses the development of leadership skills, organizing for specific social problems, assisting less fortunate members of the community and defining and utilizing community resources.

9. The Political Rite of Passage facilitates an understanding of the importance of participation in the political process, how the political system operates, and knowledge of current elected officials and their stance on key issues which directly affect the community.

10. The Economic Rite of Passage emphasizes the establishment of a sound economic base. The specific areas that are addressed are managing money, obtaining a job, career development and recycling dollars.


Overview and Mission:


The collective purpose of the Rite of Passage Groups is to restore as a method of increasing Spiritual commonality with other Girls and Boys, woman and Men in the enhancing the development themselves and the communities .

The Rite of Passage Groups will complete four phase: {each must be completed, i.e., journals, reading assignments, etc.}

Phase: 1....Basic Knowledge Phase: 2....Survival Phase: 3....Rituals Phase: 4.... Community Each Rite of Passage Group will develop an understanding of the following topic:

1: Bonding 2: Values Clarification 3:Taking Care of Self 4: Housekeeping &Finance 5: Time Management 6: Family History 7: History of Peoples and there Cultural 8: Sex Education 9: Spirituality/ Community Spirit 10: Assertiveness &Leadership 11: The Arts and Dancing.

We believe and know that a "Socialization Continuum" for the development of American 's Children and Youth with a character building incentive that creates Positive Self-Concept, Cultural Competence , High Self-Esteem, Positive Behavior, Transcendental Character, Self Awareness, Liberated Behavior and group Loyalty.